Types of Outdoor Advertising and benefits

What is Outdoor Advertising?
Outdoor advertising, also known as out-of-home advertising, is advertising that spreads consumers when they are outside their homes. The Outdoor Advertising Connotation says that’s where customers spend 70 percent of their time.
Types of Outdoor Advertising
The most commonly known type of outdoor advertising is the announcement. Common methods of outdoor advertising today fall into three groups:
1. Announcement Advertising
Most people are familiar with billboard advertising, irrespective of where they live or travel. Billboards are placed next to high-traffic thoroughfares as well as along less-traveled infrastructures in non-urban areas. Motorists see them almost anywhere because they are an efficient and cost-effective means of communicating information that is geographically important – the location of the neighboring chain fast food restaurant on the route, the nearest motel, or campgrounds at the next exit.
2. Street Furniture
A bit of a misnomer, “street furniture” smears not just to bus or park bleachers but also to bus housings, newsstands, and telephone booths, among others.
3. Transit
Ads on the sides of automobiles are the most common form of transit outdoor advertising, but outdoor advertising is common in underpass stations and within tunnel cars, in taxis, along airport walkways, and wrapped around vehicles – one of the newer trends.
Other Forms of Outdoor Advertising
Publicity seems to follow customers wherever they go – in superstore shopping carts, in sports arenas, and in health clubs. They can be high-tech – reason digital – or low tech – think personal-computer generated mini-posters offering dog-walking services pinned to a chocolate shop bulletin board.
Digital Outdoor Advertising
Also recognized as digital signage, digital outdoor advertising is a specific type that uses electronic technology to change what’s displayed on a screen. Digital billboards mouth messages from a trickle of advertisers that rotate every six to eight seconds. Other numerical ciphers might be free-standing on an urban sidewalk or courtside at a college basketball game.
For Small Businesses
The most significant outdoor ad for any small brick and mortar business is its built-in outdoor advertising: exterior signage. Business owners want crisp, clear signage that connects well from a distance. While it should take the company’s brand image, it would also help the business get discovered and found.
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